Week #2 Update

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Happy Friday.... I mean Saturday....Saturday night! Apologies for not posting sooner. I had every intention of getting pictures up from the week on Friday afternoon but had family in town and completely lost track of time.

It's hard to believe that your little ones have already completed seven days of kindergarten! I'm so incredibly proud of each and everyone of them.  They've been working so hard and of course are having lots of fun along the way!  :)
Below are some pictures from week #2!

We kicked off our Tuesday morning with a bus safety drill in the front parking lot of our school.

Our K class did an AMAZING job listening to our bus driver discuss important safety tips for riding the bus, getting on and exiting, and crossing the street.  We even practiced crossing in front of the school bus, but only after getting the okay from our bus driver. Be sure to ask your child all about it!
When we returned to our classroom, I sang the kids a song that I learned in elementary school about crossing the street...

"Stop, look, and listen
before you cross the street.
First use your eyes and ears,
then use your feet!"

They weren't too impressed, but what can I expect from a group of 17 four, five and six year olds at 9AM - haha!

Our theme this week was sharing.  We talked a lot about "sharing" and what it means to share, and how it feels when our friends share something with us and how it feels when they don't share. The close read text we read was Rainbow Fish, by Marcus Pfister. Students LOVED this book and how the Rainbow Fish changed his views on sharing from the beginning to the middle to the end. Below are some pictures of the craft students completed at the end of the week!

Some other highlights from our week: Learning all about the letter Mm. Students were introduced to our class Phonics mascot, Mabel the Elephant! Mabel helped us learn about the sound the letter Mm makes, and helped us come up with a list of words that begin with the Mm sound. We also learned how to write the letter Mm and practiced writing the correct strokes to form the letter Mm. 

I also introduced students to the letter M song from ABC Mouse. These songs are so catchy and fun for students to listen to and sing (although after listening to it for the 30th time by the end of the week, I think they were over it...and my singing)! Click here to hear it!

Students were also introduced to their Poetry Notebooks this week! I love using poetry notebooks with students for a number of reasons: it helps with with fluency, it encourages them to notice concepts of print, high frequency words, vocabulary words, shapes, sight/snap words, the list can be vast!
Each week, students will be introduced to a new poem of the week that they'll glue into their poetry notebooks, along with different activities we'll complete as a class throughout the week!

So there you have it - a little glimpse into our week! :)
A couple of friendly reminders:

1. if you haven't done so already, please send in a change of clothes for your child in a labeled zip-loc bag, as well as an art smock to keep in their cubby.
2. Please send in two pictures of your child for our class name book!  These can be original pictures, copies, or ones printed off a computer. 

I will be sending home more information about our Virtual Parent Open House on    
                     Monday @ 6pm later this weekend. See you soon!

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